Flash briefing 18 – Talking Hands Translates Sign Language to Voice

Another great application of voice technology is being developed by Italian startup LiMiX .The product, which is set to be released in 2019 is a glove and accompanying app that translates Italian Sign Language (or LIS, Lingua dei Segni Italiana) to voice. The implications are life-changing for those with hearing impairment and for people that don’t understand sign language. An estimated 99% of the world’s population doesn’t understand sign language. No longer will that matter. Signed words are translated to signals that are then sent to a voice synthesizer on a smartphone and spoken, dissolving language barriers.

In 2016 they won the R.O.M.E. (Rome Outstanding Maker of Europe) Prize at the 2016 Maker Faire Rome, along with the 100,000 euro prize money, giving them most needed financial aid to continue the project.

To be honest, I love how voice is being applied to wellbeing, people with disabilities and elder care. It’s my core belief that voice is the step we needed to really have technology impact most people’s lives.

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The ultimate resource in the voice space. Conversational interfaces, voice interfaces, smart speakers and smart assistants, voice strategy, audio branding.

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