Real time translation is coming to all Assistant-optimized headphones and phone
AndroidCentral is reporting that the translate support in Google Pixels page has been updated to reflect:
Google Translate is available on all Assistant-optimized headphones and Android phones.

With the assistance of your Google Pixel Buds, you can easily converse with someone who doesn’t speak your language.
With the update, you will need any Assistant-enabled devices, headphones and phones. You now can say “Help me interpret Japanese” or any other language, you can hear translations and respond to them on your headphones while holding on your phone to the person you’re talking to. That person will hear your translations from the phone’s speaker and respond to them through the phone’s microphone.
Real-time translation is available in 40 languages on the Google Buds support page, but only 27 languages are listed under “Talk” for speech translation and bilingual conversation translation on Google Translate.
Google Assistant-enabled devices get a really differentiating point from competitors like Amazon Alexa, Siri and Cortana introducing real time translations available on phones and headphones.