How receptive are smart speaker owners to advertising?

Survata’s September survey of 2,000 smart speaker owners in the US came with one surprising finding: Apple HomePod owners are more likely to be receptive to audio ads than anyone else.

According to the Survata data, as reported by BusinessInsider:

  • 35% of HomePod owners would be interested in hearing about sponsored products or services on their speaker
  • Only 22% of Google Home owners said the same.
  • And just 17% of Amazon Echo and Echo Dot owners are receptive to ads on their speaker.

This shows there is still a large chunk of people who don’t want to hear ads on their smart speakers, suggesting it’ll be an unpopular move if anyone introduces sponsored content any time soon. It’s also unlikely Apple would venture into the sponsored content territory, given it has shied away from targeting ads at users.

Survata market research president Dyna Boen explained that anomaly:

While adoption of Apple HomePod has thus far lagged behind Amazon Echo and Google Home, and thus makes up a smaller percentage of the sample, we still are seeing that these users are saying sponsored content ‘very positively impacts their smart speaker experience’ at a statistically significant level.

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The ultimate resource in the voice space. Conversational interfaces, voice interfaces, smart speakers and smart assistants, voice strategy, audio branding.

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