Flash briefing 47 Is voice about care?

I met Heidi at the Voice Summit in Newark, she is the CEO of AskMarvee, an Alexa skills for elder care. Heidi gave one of the best talks that I attended in the conference. This weekend she tweeted that listening to a podcast with Brian Roemmele, about Siri shortcuts as jobs to be done, and she mapped that to cares to be given. And it got me thinking, it is possible that all this voice is about caring? Because our voices are instruments of care. You feel cared when your mom talk to you or a long time friend, when you hear their voices, and that’s because you have their voices fixed in your brain. I think this is a curious message for brands out there: Do u want your brand to trigger the emotional response that a friend trigger in you when you are in need of emotional support?
I don’t mean that the brand should be your dearest friend, I mean the trigger you want to be for the users of your brand. You want to be the way to go for your users where they think of toilet paper, or whatever your product or service is. Think about this, what are the cares to be given by your company? And for voice applications tailored to patient care, elder care, children development and learning, what are the cares to be given? Checkout today’s episode of Alexa in Canada where I talked to Teri Fisher about the future of voice technologies.

Thanks for listening and we’ll talk tomorrow

About the Author
The ultimate resource in the voice space. Conversational interfaces, voice interfaces, smart speakers and smart assistants, voice strategy, audio branding.

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